A Mumbai special court on Monday sent Videocon group's founder Venugopal Dhoot in CBI custody till December 28 and extended the remand of former ICICI Bank CEO and MD Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak Kochhar till the same date in the loan fraud case. Pics/Ashish Raje
26 December,2022 11:26 PM ISTSwitzerland tennis star Belinda Bencic celebrates her 23rd birthday today. Belinda has really chased her childhood dream of playing tennis as a professional. On her birthday, we take a look at some fun-loving pictures of the Swiss tennis babe on Instagram as well as her journey in the sport so far. Pictures Courtesy/ Belinda Bencic Instagram
10 March,2020 08:25 AM ISTFormer German tennis star Steffi Graf married American tennis star Andre Agassi and are one of the most prominent sports couples. As Steffi Graf turns 51 today, we look at other star couples in the world of sports over the decades - the ones that made it and that didn't.
01 June,2015 09:30 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT