On January 6, the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) held a large protest at Lower PMG Square in Bhubaneswar, criticizing the BJP government. The protest focused on issues like inflation and the rising cost of essential goods. Drone footage captured the scale of the demonstration, which included many BJD supporters. Naveen Patnaik, the Leader of Opposition and former Chief Minister of Odisha, took part in the protest, showing his support for the cause. The protestors voiced their concerns over the increasing prices, which have been affecting the daily lives of the people in Odisha. The BJD demanded action from the central government to address these issues.
06 January,2025 05:50 PM ISTMicrosoft co-founder Bill Gates is currently on his tour to India. In an exclusive interview when Bill Gates was asked if he is bullish or bearish on India's future, he said that he is certainly bullish and everyone knows in terms of vaccines, India is the world leader. Bill Gates also said the rate of improvement in a lot of the key areas is very strong. "I'm certainly bullish," he said when asked whether he is bullish or bearish on India's future. "The strength of India today, in terms of economic growth, and innovation, is very exciting," He also lauded PM Modi's vision of India. Watch video
01 March,2024 12:00 PM ISTAfter hours of interrogation, the Odisha Police arrested Trahi Achyuta Ashram head Surendra Mishra, known as Sura Baba and his two sons on the basis of an FIR alleging singing of obscene songs, criminal intimidation and other offensive acts by them.
01 September,2015 12:06 PM ISTThe mysterious deaths of around 20 birds have sparked fear of bird flu outbreak in Khordha District of Odisha.
10 December,2015 11:43 AM ISTAs many as four terror suspects fled from a hotel in Odisha's Bhubaneswar city on Tuesday. Shiv Narayan Mahapatra, Hotel Manager of Arya Mahal, said that they fled after they were asked to provide their identity proofs. The incident was reported from Hotel Arya Mahal in Bhubaneswar and a search operation is on to nab the suspects.
27 January,2016 09:28 AM ISTThe police on Wednesday night arrested five militants, belonging to banned Students Islamic Movement, in Odisha. Acting on an intelligence input, a police team carried out raids in Rourkela district and apprehended the ultras after a brief gun battle.
18 February,2016 05:07 PM ISTMore than 30 people are feared dead in Odisha as the region continues to reel under extreme heat with mercury levels rising above 40 degrees Celsius. Many people were forced to stay indoors due to the blistering heat.
15 April,2016 01:14 PM ISTBhubaneswar Railway station has become the second station in the country to be covered under the free Wi-Fi project after Mumbai Central in January this year.
17 April,2016 07:06 PM ISTAir India's Kolkata-Chennai flight made an emergency landing at the Bhubaneswar Airport on Tuesday night due to some problem in the engine of the plane.