Salman Khan's security has been significantly upgraded following a shooting incident outside his Mumbai residence nine months ago. The balcony of his Galaxy Apartment has been fitted with bulletproof glass as part of these enhancements. This follows the October 2023 killing of former Maharashtra MLA Baba Siddique and comes after ongoing threats from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, which led to heightened security since November 2022. Additionally, Salman has been authorized to carry a personal firearm, acquired an armoured vehicle, and added a bulletproof Nissan Patrol SUV for further protection.
07 January,2025 09:58 PM ISTBollywood actor Salman Khan’s security has been heightened. His balcony has been covered with bulletproof glass. This security upgrade comes after 9 months since firing incident outside his residence in Mumbai. The balcony of Salman’s ‘Galaxy Apartment’ are now bulletproof giving up the security boost to his residence. The bulletproof glasses were installed months after the killing of former Maharashtra MLA Baba Siddique’s killing in October. Notably, since Nov 2022, Salman Khan's security level has been elevated due to threats from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. Salman has also been authorised to carry a personal firearm and has acquired a new armoured vehicle for added protection. About a year ago Salman also added a brand new bulletproof ‘Nissan Patrol SUV’ due to continuous threats.
07 January,2025 06:56 PM ISTA 30-year-old man named Karan was arrested in East Delhi's Shakarpur for allegedly installing spy cameras in his tenant's home, capturing footage without her consent. The incident came to light on September 25 when the woman discovered three hidden cameras, including one in the bathroom. After confronting Karan, she recorded his admission and shared the video with her relatives via WhatsApp. However, she soon found that the video had been deleted, indicating that her account had been hacked. The victim emphasized that the responsibility for tenant security lies with the landlord. Police have registered a case under Section 77 of the BNS Act, highlighting the serious nature of the invasion of privacy. This unsettling incident raises concerns about tenant safety and the misuse of technology, calling for stricter measures to protect individuals in their own homes. Watch video.
26 September,2024 11:49 AM ISTThe Bhai of B-Town Salman celebrate his 58th birthday on December 27. Fans from parts of the country gather outside his Bandra residence, Galaxy to get a glimpse of the star on his special day and wish him. Posters of the actor can be seen hanging as well and there's a lot that the fans have to say. Let's listen in from the fans as they show some love for the 'Tiger 3' star Salman Khan
27 December,2023 07:27 PM IST | MumbaiThis is the same Vasai's Uniquepark building room 301, in which Aftab used to live with his family, but because of living with Shraddha, the family members did not keep him in the house. The chairman of the building, Abdullah Khan, told that many times both of them were seen in the building, but on asking, they told that they are college friends.
15 November,2022 10:45 PM IST | MumbaiAmid the ongoing investigation in connection to threat letter to Bollywood actor Salman Khan, Delhi Police Special Cell CP HGS Dhaliwal on September 15 in Delhi, informed that the Lawrence Bishnoi gang recced the actor’s farmhouse.
16 September,2022 06:22 PM IST | MumbaiThe Mumbai Police on Monday enhanced Bollywood actor #SalmanKhan’s security and deployed a van outside his residence a day after a note threatening him and his father, Salim Khan, was found.
06 June,2022 07:53 PM IST | MumbaiListen to the emergency calls just moments after a Navy F-18 slammed into an apartment complex in Virginia. Video courtesy: NDTV
10 April,2012 05:10 PM ISTA young teenager has been found dead at the apartment building where his family lived in West Delhi. Security cameras show the 14-year-old falling from the building in Sector 6 of Dwarka. The police is investigating whether Vaibhav, a Class 9 student, jumped off the eight-storey building or was pushed by someone. Video courtesy: NDTV
06 September,2012 09:12 PM ISTA major fire broke out in Tirupati Apartments near Mahalaxmi Temple on Bhulabhai Desai Road on Saturday in Mumbai. Four fire tenders have reached the spot trying to douse the fire. No causality has been reported so far.
27 February,2016 07:21 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT