Salman Khan’s residence in Bandra has been given a security upgrade to ensure his safety, with a focus on protecting his balcony area. Bulletproof glass has been installed on the balcony of his Galaxy Apartments flat, offering enhanced protection when the actor greets his fans. (PIC/ SATEJ SHINDE)
07 January,2025 04:55 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaDevotees, in large numbers, on Sunday gathered in Parel area of central Mumbai to welcome Goddess Durga ahead of Navratri. Pics/Shadab Khan and Ashish Raje
29 September,2024 08:21 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedRenowned screenwriter Salim Khan, who is the father of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, received a chilling threat during his routine morning walk at Bandstand, Bandra West, Mumbai Police said
19 September,2024 07:48 PM IST | Sanjana DeshpandeThe Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) handed over the probe into the blast at Bengaluru's Rameshwaram Cafe to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday. Pics/ PTI
04 March,2024 02:21 PM IST | Bengaluru | Sanjana DeshpandeThe Delhi Police have intensified their investigation into the recent low-intensity blast near the Israel Embassy; they have zeroed in on two youths as suspects as they were captured in the CCTV footage walking near the site before the explosion. Pics/ PTI & AFP
27 December,2023 01:21 PM IST | Sanjana DeshpandeCCTV cameras installed across the city capture every action in its range, including crimes. These footages provide valuable inputs and clues to the police and help them solve cases. We look at crimes caught on CCTV cameras in Mumbai
29 June,2019 08:30 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT