The Islamic State is using the encrypted Telegram and WhatsApp applications to sell off Yazidi sex slaves
Thousands of Yazidi women, children were taken prisoner in August 2014.
Khanke: The Islamic State is using the encrypted Telegram and WhatsApp applications to sell off Yazidi sex slaves.
Thousands of Yazidi women, children were taken prisoner in August 2014. File Pic/AFP
“Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old ... Her price has reached $12,500 (R8.43 lakh) and she will be sold soon,” read an advertisement on the popular apps in Arabic.
It reportedly appeared ‘on an encrypted conversation along with ads for kittens, weapons, and tactical gear’ and only came to light after an activist with the Yazidi community brought it to Associated Press’ attention.
The terrorist group has around 3,000 women and girls for sale on its sex slave market. ISIS shares databases with its checkpoints that contain information on sex slaves in order to mitigate any chance of escape.