The important point here is that more spaces open up for the queer community
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January is Pride month, with several events for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community being held through the month till early February. Some of the Mumbai Pride Month events either held or to be held this month are ‘queer hugs’, a Queer Premier League,’ ‘Q Games’ and ‘Gulabi Mela’ all set to be held shortly.
It is good to have a rainbow-hued start to the year, a rainbow with its myriad colours signifies diversity, and is synonymous with the queer community.
The important point here is that more spaces open up for the queer community. While one aspect is the business angle, the ‘pink’ rupee (which is money from queer business) is money after all, it also shows acceptance and acknowledgement, a willingness to open doors to diversity.
We should have more places and opportunities for LGBT persons, from venues like halls, meeting rooms to open places willing to host LGBT events.
We have something like a disclaimer or caveat when we read about certain venues stating that they are: ‘LGBT-friendly’. Why do we need that and instead why don’t places just be LGBT-friendly and not have to state that in the very first place? Access is one way to bring about understanding and a feeling of oneness. When the community has equal access to venues, or can conduct events following rules and regulations and with no fear, then, we all are a step closer to a more egalitarian and diverse world.
Having said that about physical spaces, let us also have hearts and minds more receptive to the community and aware about the challenges LGBT persons face. It is often said quite rightly, that laws may change and some legal rights accorded. Yet, societal change must move parallel with the legal to bring about real change for the queer community.