A 17-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh`s Ambedkar Nagar district was killed on Friday in an accident after two men on a motorcycle pulled her stole (dupatta) while she was riding home from school on a bicycle with her friend. The girl lost her balance, fell to the ground, and was then hit by another motorcycle coming from behind. She died on the spot, police said. The accident took place near Hirapur market in the Hanswar police station area of the district. Videos of the incident have gone viral on social media. A day after the incident with the horrifying incident, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath warned miscreants. He said, “If anyone tries to molest daughters, ‘Yamraj’ will be waiting for him”. Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh: Additional Superintendent of Police Sanjay Rai gave information about the incident.