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Maharashtra Election Results 2024: NDA or MVA? Who will Win? BJP Spokesperson Clarifies!

04 June,2024 12:48 PM IST

Amidst the speculation swirling around the 2024 election outcome, the question on everyone`s mind is whether the NDA or MVA will emerge victorious. With anticipation mounting, a BJP spokesperson Niranjan L Shetty steps forward to clarify the prevailing narrative. Asserting confidence in their coalition, the spokesperson emphasizes the NDA`s unwavering commitment to governance and progress. Addressing concerns and dispelling doubts, they exude assurance in their party`s capabilities to secure a triumph in the electoral arena. As the nation awaits the final verdict, the spokesperson`s statement serves to reaffirm BJP`s resolve and determination, setting the stage for an eagerly anticipated electoral showdown

04 June,2024 12:48 PM IST

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