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NEET Scam To 1975 Emergency, Watch Top Quotes From Droupadi Murmu's Parliament Speech

27 June,2024 05:22 PM IST

President Droupadi Murmu addressed the nation today, emphasizing the government`s resolve to address the NEET-UG examination irregularities. She assured a thorough investigation into recent paper leaks and vowed strict penalties for those responsible. Highlighting the government`s commitment to nurturing youth talent, she called for bipartisan efforts to implement a comprehensive nationwide solution against exam malpractice. The President underscored Parliament`s role in enacting stringent laws to curb such irregularities, citing previous incidents across states. Her speech reflected a dedication to ensuring fair opportunities for India`s youth while urging collective action to uphold the integrity of examinations.

27 June,2024 05:22 PM IST

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