Religious fervour has gripped India with long-awaited consecration ceremony of Ram Temple in India’s Ayodhya. Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. People across India are celebrating the day as a festival, however, the historic event irked neighbouring Pakistan. Pakistan is rattled by the inauguration ceremony of Ram Temple in Ayodhya and has condemned the development. On January 22, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry condemned Ram Temple’s inauguration. Other than that, Pakistan went on to claim that temple’s construction on demolished site of mosque “was a blot on India’s democracy”. Worried about India’s democracy, Islamabad has perhaps forgot the atrocities on minorities in Pakistan. Not only in Pakistan, but Sindhis, Baloch across the world condemn nation for atrocities on minorities. Other than that, most of the neighbouring countries allege Pakistan of being a ‘terror hub’.