History was etched on Dec 30, 2023 as devotees boarded first flight from Delhi to newly built Maharishi Valmiki International Airport in Ayodhya. The passengers were all excited for their journey and they even recited ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ inside the flight. After landing in Ayodhya airport, some passengers kissed the ground and paid obeisance. PM Modi reached ‘Ram Nagari’ on December 30 and gave several infrastructural gifts to the locals. Maharishi Valmiki International Airport was inaugurated in Ayodhya by PM Narendra Modi. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on December 30 praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for inaugurating various projects in Ayodhya. He also said that the wait of 500 years is about to end with the consecration of Ayodhya Ram Mandir.