The Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said that had the Rajasthan govt set up special court in Kanhaiya Lal murder case, accused would have been hanged.
The Home Minister targeted the Congress government in Rajasthan, saying that had it set up a special court in the Kanhaiya Lal murder case, the accused would have been hanged by now.
Kanhaiya Lal, a tailor, was murdered on June 28 last year by two cleaver-wielding men, who had accused him of insulting Islam on social media.
"The Rajasthan government did not set up a special court. Otherwise, the accused of Kanhaiya Lal's killing would have been hanged," Shah said at the rally organised to highlight the achievements of the Narendra Modi government in the past nine years.
"I have travelled across the country. From the support I have seen, it is certain that Modi is going to become prime minister in 2024 with BJP winning 300 seats," he said.