After a delay of almost seven days, Southwest monsoon yesterday finally hit Kerala, marking the official commencement of rainy season in the country
Thiruvanathapuram: After a delay of almost seven days, Southwest monsoon yesterday finally hit Kerala, marking the official commencement of rainy season in the country. “Southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala and Lakshadweep,” said K Santosh, head of India Meteorological Department’s (IMD) Thiruvananthapuram regional centre.
People wade through knee-deep water in Kochi after monsoon finally arrived in Kerala yesterday. Pic/PTI
The monsoon has also advanced into most parts of Tamil Nadu, some parts of south interior Karnataka and remaining parts of south Bay of Bengal, stated IMD Several parts of Kerala have been receiving heavy rains since last night, which left a 36-year-old man dead due to landslip in Idukki district of Kerala.
Jobi John, former SFI Idukki district president, died and his mother was seriously injured when mounds of earth and rocks fell on their home following heavy rains at Vazhavara in the wee hours of yesterday, police said.
The 14 stations at which the rainfall is being monitored for declaring the Monsoon onset over Kerala have reported widespread rainfall for the last 48 hours with more than 60 per cent of stations recording rainfall on June 7 and 8.
7 Number of days by which monsoon arrived late in Kerala