In a bizarre incident, a class 10 girl student from Satna in Madhya Pradesh has given birth to a baby girl and claims that she was raped by a 'genie' who is also the father of the child
In a bizarre incident, a class 10 girl student from Satna in Madhya Pradesh's has given birth to a baby girl and claims that she was raped by a 'genie' who is also the father of the child.
The matter came to light when the pregnant girl was hospitalised for delivery at Devendranagar based Community Health Centre. When she was asked about baby's father, she said it was a genie.
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According to the girl, the genie had forced her into sexual intercourse on several occasions. The shocked doctors and the nurses immediately alerted the local police station.
The girl was sent to Panna district hospital where the newborn was kept in sick Newborn Care Unit.
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While the girl has made 'bizarre' claims, her family is of the opinion that she is under the influence of some evil spirit. The family had reportedly even consulted local witchcraft experts on several occasions, but the girl insisted that the genie never stopped following her.
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Panna Addl Superintendent of Police Raghavendra Singh said that either the family was gripped by superstition or they were simply trying to hide something.