Kanda, the series of ongoing performances by Veena Basavarajaiah and Mirra Arun, had their first show of the current series of workshops at the Shanthi Gallery last evening.
Kanda, the series of ongoing performances by Veena Basavarajaiah and Mirra Arun, had their first show of the current series of workshops at the Shanthi Gallery last evening. Mirra and Veena's white outfits against the children's all black costumes fit perfectly with the black and white photographs of the 10 performers and their parents that were on display.
Mirra and Veena's camaraderie with the children and their on-the-spot improvisation was commendable when a child fell while dancing and hurt her head. Through their adroit moves and experience in handling kids, Mirra and Veena took the performance to another level as their 'magic' helped the child not only emerge from her pain smiling but forget about it. The children added colour to the show as they left their myriad-coloured tiny hand imprints on the white gallery walls.