Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy yesterday suffered minor injuries on his foot when a glass pane of a door broke as some youths rushed in to take a selfie with him, police said
Malappuram: Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy yesterday suffered minor injuries on his foot when a glass pane of a door broke as some youths rushed in to take a selfie with him, police said.
Oommen Chandy
The incident occurred at around 11.30 am at an auditorium in Perinthalmanna where a function was organised for fresh voters. Chandy was about to leave the venue after addressing the first time voters, most of them students, when several of them rushed in to take a selfie with the Chief Minister, police said.
In the melee, a glass pane of a door broke and the pieces fell on his right foot, Perinthalmanna Circle Inspector Siddhiq said. He was treated at a private hospital for his injuries.