JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar has told a Supreme Court-appointed lawyers’ probe panel that he was beaten up, pushed to the ground and injured by men in lawyers’ robes before the police, when he was brought to the Patiala House court premises on February 17
New Delhi: JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar has told a Supreme Court-appointed lawyers’ probe panel that he was beaten up, pushed to the ground and injured by men in lawyers’ robes before the police, when he was brought to the Patiala House court premises on February 17.
Activists in Assam take out a protest rally against the alleged anti-national activities at JNU in Guwahat on Saturday. Pic/PTI
“When the police brought me inside the court’s gate, a mob of men in lawyers’ robes attacked me. It appeared as if they were ready to attack and they were calling others also. The police escorting me tried to save me but the police officials were also beaten up,” he said.
The panel of six advocates included Kapil Sibal, Rajeev Dhavan, Dushyant Dave, ADN Rao, Ajit Kumar Sinha and Haren Raval. In another instance when he was attacked, the police, who were there, did not do anything, he said. After Kanhaiya narrated the incident to the panel inside the courtroom, Sibal called DCP Jatin Narwal and enquired from him about it.
“How did you allow the attack to take place inside court premises? Your men were there. What were they doing? How was he (man who attacked Kanhaiya outside the gate of the courtroom) allowed to come inside?” the panel members asked the DCP.