Samajwadi Party Rajya Sabha candidate Amar Singh avoided getting dragged into a spat with party leader Azam Khan who had voiced displeasure over his nomination, saying he 'could not hear' and was getting his 'ear treated'
Azamgarh (UP): Samajwadi Party Rajya Sabha candidate Amar Singh on Sunday avoided getting dragged into a spat with party leader Azam Khan who had voiced displeasure over his nomination, saying he 'could not hear' and was getting his 'ear treated'.
Amar Singh
"I cannot hear, I am getting my ear treated," Singh said when asked about Khan's displeasure over giving him party ticket. Earlier, when Amar Singh was declared party candiate for the Rajya Sabha seat, Khan had termed it as "unfortunate". "As far as I think, the whole incident (giving ticket to Amar) is unfortunate. Netaji (Mulayam Singh Yadav) is the party chief and to challenge his decision is beyond my rights," he had said.
Praising SP supremo, Amar said, "Mulayamji used to say that I am in his heart. It's bigger than RS candidature. I consider it as his blessings."