Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday flagged off a mobile health van here to treat homeless drug addicts. Sisodia launched the van at a government night shelter in Yamuna Bazar area of north Delhi
Manish Sisodia
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday flagged off a mobile health van here to treat homeless drug addicts. Sisodia launched the van at a government night shelter in Yamuna Bazar area of north Delhi.
The Deputy Chief Minister said the biggest challenge of homeless in the area and the prime inhibitor for them using night shelters is drug addiction.
MLA Alka Lamba, Department of Women and Child Development Chief Shilpa Shinde and other officials were also present at the function.
"The problem of drug addiction is a major problem in the city with a rise in the city's young abusers and hence a chief issue for the WCD," Shinde said.
"This launch is one more step in the government's aim towards reduction and complete stoppage of substance abuse through detox, strategic intervention, restoration or rehabilitation and behaviour modification of the city's homeless addicts," an official statement said.
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