A consumer court in Tripura has directed Cadbury to pay Rs 30,000 to a man who found a pin in a chocolate bar he had bought for his daughter.
A consumer court in Tripura has ordered Cadbury India Ltd to pay a compensation of Rs 30,000 to a complainant who found an iron pin inside a chocolate bar made by the company, an official said here today.
"A man purchased a Cadbury chocolate on Dec 16, 2011, for his three-year-old daughter and found an iron pin inside the bar when the girl tried to eat it. Subsequently, he filed a complaint before a consumer forum," a food department official told reporters here.
"After conducting a hearing, the west Tripura district consumer disputes redressal forum last week ordered Cadbury India Ltd to pay a compensation of Rs.30,000 to the complainant within a month."
The forum, which in its judgment said the chocolate was hazardous, also asked the chocolate company to pay Rs 1,000 to the complainant towards the cost of litigation.