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'Dirty Americans kiss pigs and spread swine flu'

Updated on: 19 August,2009 09:11 AM IST  | 
Kaumudi Gurjar |

Notice board put up by local blames 'Americans who kiss and cuddle pigs' for swine flu pandemic, attracts criticism from animal lovers and PMC

'Dirty Americans kiss pigs and spread swine flu'

Notice board put up by local blames 'Americans who kiss and cuddle pigs' for swine flu pandemic, attracts criticism from animal lovers and PMC

Milind Shetye, owner of Rasaraj Snack Centre off Laxmi Road near Kunte Chowk, does not know that swine flu originated in Mexico and blames the Americans, who he believes cuddle pigs, instead.

Shetye has put up a huge signboard in Marathi that says 'The dirty behaviour of Americans is responsible for the spread of H1N1 worldwide'. The message is accompanied with pictures of Caucasian women and children cuddling and holding pigs.

Shetye, the editor of local weekly Sanskritik Vartapatra, said, "I received an email that explained how swine flu spread from America because of the way they hold pigs and cuddle them. I put up the board so the message could be spread widely."

Shetye's wife said, "Passersby notice this board and some even take pictures on their phones."

PeTA chief functionary, Anuradha Sawhney said that it was not kissing and cuddling animals that caused diseases like swine flu, but the inhumane manner in which they are raised on factory farms. "If you kiss an animal, it means you care for it, and that definitely cannot be considered a reason for spreading the disease."

PeTA brand ambassador Celina Jaitley said it was unfair on Shetye's part to target a particular nation. "Don't we have animal lovers in India? Moreover, these allegations have no scientific basis. We simply need to be careful when animals are infected. It is for us to take adequate precautions," Jaitley said.

PMC chief health officer Dr R R Pardeshi said people should not mislead others. "The PMC has placed information boards at several locations in the city to educate people about swine flu. One should refrain from spreading misinformation. We will see to it that the board is removed," he said.

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