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What the new year holds for your sign: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs

Updated on: 02 January,2023 09:52 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Shirley Bose |

Shirley Bose returns with her much-awaited annual tarot horoscope exclusively for mid-day readers, bringing you the ultimate low down on what your zodiac sign can expect from 2023

What the new year holds for your sign: Check astrological predictions for all zodiac signs

Shirley Bose

Making relationships work in your hands
March 21 - April 20

This is a mixed year, and also a learning chapter in many aspects, especially in relationships, which you learn to handle with more diplomacy and gentleness. If relationships go awry, ask yourself how you can change the way you interact to strengthen them. (In this case, it is all about you and not about the other person!) Overall health is good, provided the doctor’s advice is followed to the T and you learn better stress management. Career or business sees a gradual improvement, especially after June. Maintaining a balance between income and expenses, even if it means keeping a tally of how much you spend each month, allows you to prioritise between needs and wants. News about a promotion via the office grapevine should be kept to yourself till it is officially announced.

Physical & mental health
Those who have circulatory issues or high blood pressure must remember to take their medication at the time advised. Try to consciously calm the mind when you enter a fight or flight mode. Listening to sounds of nature will help you relax, or tune into any music that soothes you. Physical and mental health must remain a priority since this will help you achieve certain goals and ambitions and keeps relationships loving and mutually supportive.

Love & relationships
Empathy and genuinely trying to understand what your spouse/partner is trying to convey helps heal a relationship. Those in a new relationship may be seeing the person through rose-tinted glasses. Get a reality check to avoid a huge disappointment. A friend may stress you out by blowing hot and cold, particularly in January, April, June, October and December.

Finance & career
Amazingly, the Tarot reveals you to be a compulsive spender or being compulsively thrifty and over-cautious, refusing to even spend on need based material things. April is the turning point for feeling financially comfortable, which then allows for making holiday plans. Employed Ariens remain in the same job and by October, there’s unofficial news of a promotion. Self-employed Ariens should think of diversifying the business only after June.

Cosmic tip
Step back from confrontations, understanding why the person is behaving the way s/he is. Realise that it’s not important for you to be right on every count. In fact, healing relationships heal your 
mind, body and soul, making you a better person to live with. Aim to sleep with a clear conscience every night.

Also Read: Yearly Horoscope 2023: Find out what's in store for all zodiac signs in the New Year

Health will change for the better
April 21 - May 20

There’s good news for Taureans who had to face annoying, niggling health issues, as planetary positions change for the better. Blood pressure and insomnia issues are taken care of either with medication or making lifestyle changes. Taureans love their luxuries, yet make sound but traditional investments without compromising on either. The relationship with the spouse/partner fluctuates between being good and not so good–interspersed with silences that can be cut with a knife (do yourself a favour; sort the issues out). Singles meet their karmic soulmate, with the attraction being almost magical in intensity.

Physical & mental health
Losing inches is something that manifests much more easily than in the past--maybe because the sleep pattern has changed for the better. It looks like insomnia had you firmly in its grip, but in 2023 you go back to sleeping well, waking up with the birds, feeling refreshed. Maintain a balanced diet that nurtures energy, also helps the mind work at optimum speed and clarity. 

Love & relationships
Taureans love deeply but silently, using nurturing skills to show love and affection. Never take a Taurean for granted or let insecurity into the relationship. They can be coldly detached, seeming uncaring (at least on the surface). A Taurean’s spouse/partner needs to remember this like a mantra. April to August is when there are volcanic rumblings in the relationship which should be addressed immediately (you don’t want to experience Taurean possessive fury at its height). Singles meet a potential spouse/partner after April. Take one day at a time to see where this initial friendship heads.

Finance & career
Taureans are born with an innate ability to manage finances in a practical manner. One hardly ever finds a Taurean in debt or one who overspends. Four substantial but traditional investments are made. There’s a raise in income after May 2023. Self-employed Taureans add two more businesses after April. Those seeking employment find a job after March (of course, you will have to apply for jobs first).

Cosmic tip
Continue making ethical choices today so that your tomorrow continues to be happy, with you leading a fulfilled life.

Love is at the centre of things
May 21-June 21

This can be a perfect year, provided an intimate relationship is treasured, maintained with love, trust and mutual support. Thinking before speaking and verbalizing with love is all that is needed to keep the relationship strong as it is right now. Overall health is good, but consult your physician if suffering from regular joint pain. Career and finance proceed on a stable path, provided you don’t make the wrong decision when a job offer comes your way.

Physical & mental health
Remember to carry daily medication when travelling. Older Geminis need to take care of their bone health. A partying scenario is hectic, but with this comes the tendency to forget all about calories, enjoying hedonistic gastronomic pleasures to the ultimate. Mental health can be good, provided you don’t pro-actively bring stress into your life with the habit of speaking first and thinking later.

Love & relationships
January, May, July, August, September and October are spotlighted with a karmic red light. For a Gemini, the personality trait which courts misunderstandings and disasters is the innate obsession to speak first and think later. Singles find love after March but must desist from giving too much information too soon. Allow love and trust to build up gradually. A couple of friendships are on shaky ground, so do nurture them consciously. Think about what initially attracted you to your spouse/partner. Being verbal and appreciative about those qualities will help ignite the passion once again. Don’t discuss ‘trial separations’ even in jest. Work through issues together. This relationship is good.

Finance & career
Employed Geminis can expect a raise in salary/a promotion, or both after March. Not only do you have more responsibilities at work, but travel for business negotiations also increases. A change of job may be considered after May, when someone you worked for earlier gets in touch with a job offer. Make decisions based on practicality and feasibility.  Self-employed Geminis see a good year when new work comes in regularly from March. February, August and December are slow months, but there’s nothing to worry about; just take this in your stride.

Cosmic tip
Love is the centre of your universe—all else is just a necessary and sometimes unnecessary part of life. Be careful about what you say and all will be well.

Second half of year brings income increase
June 22 - July 23

Mental and physical health improves with constant awareness, making you more peaceful and content. The relationship with your spouse/partner can be improved with daily communication and getting to the root of issues. Avoid having unreasonable expectations. Singles could have a surprise relationship with someone they knew in the past. Income increases after June. A job offer may not be as good as it seemed initially. Travel for business negotiations increases. Some of you may buy a vehicle.

Physical & mental health
First, take professional advice and only then make major dietary/workout changes. Apart from this, the Tarot advises eating and exercising with awareness, and listening to what your body is saying. Drink water at regular intervals so that the body remains hydrated. Your thoughts, actions and behaviour are pretty transparent, which people tend to take advantage of, or make it easier for them to know which buttons to press to make you react in a certain way. Be kind to yourself; don’t react immediately. Understand the person’s motives before saying anything. Try and be street smart.

Love & relationships
For you, love is the panacea for everything. That’s true at a spiritual level; but how do you stop people from emotionally manipulating you? This is where awareness is needed again, to be able to say a firm, no. Singles reconnect with a platonic friend from the past. The chemistry that blossoms between you both is mind blowing. Again, don’t get carried away by this. Step back and take the relationship forward one baby step at a time. The relationship with your spouse/partner seems more settled in 2023, but be aware of unreasonable expectations in March, May, August, October and December.

Finance & career
The first half of the year seems to have some unforeseen expenses, but the second half sees an increase in income, whether you are employed or self- employed. A job offer received after March appears excellent on the face of it, till you begin questioning exactly what it requires on a daily basis. From April begins a karmic cycle of more work coming in, except in August, which is a slow period. Travel within the country steps up and this is something you enjoy. Some of you may buy a vehicle.

Cosmic tip
The Tarot advises that there be clarity in your own mind about desires and needs. Keep  the above as simple as possible.

Consciously live in the moment
July 24 – Aug. 23

When physical and emotional health is good, you are full of energy; but balancing these two lies in your own hands, or should we say, your own mind? Consciously live in the moment, living life to the maximum, helping whoever you can without expectations. Matters of the heart need nurturing and a deep understanding of how to maintain emotional closeness. This can be achieved since Leos have strong will power. Finance and career see an upward swing due to consistent hard work that brings a sense of well being.

Physical & mental health
Physical and mental health go hand in hand with Leos. When the mind is relaxed then physical health is also good. But getting the mind to relax is the main issue. There’s a tendency to magnify concerns, not willing to let life jog along peacefully. If Leos don’t have major issues bothering them, then matters pertaining to family take up their time. If those topics are sorted out then they try to solve issues concerning friends or relatives. In other words, Leos love to be worrywarts. Consciously relax. Follow a healthy diet, exercise as advised and get enough sleep. (Follow the doctor’s advice in case you are dealing with diabetes or high blood pressure)

Love & relationships
Estranged Leos may be considering reconciliation. Before that, figure out if this distancing was only emotional and why; or was detachment due to circumstances. Consulting a therapist as a couple helps clarify reasons that can be worked on gradually, allowing you both to understand each other better. Leos in a long term relationship could try to be calmer and less reactive when discussing issues. September to December is a positive time for the relationship. Ideally, singles should avoid being in a new relationship, as 2023 magnifies small problems into insurmountable ones.

Finance & career
Financial situation is overall good, as long as you don’t get into debt or live a lifestyle you can’t maintain long term. Donating a set amount to your favourite charity is revealed. Employed Leos have a raise in salary after April and self-employed Leos see business improving from January itself. March, April, September and October see too many delays due to planetary positions. Those who work on assignment basis can expect delays in the same months as mentioned above.

Cosmic tip
Give yourself and others unconditional love. Allow the past to fade into oblivion. Why allow it to create emotional issues today?

Cruise in relationship, don’t commit long-term
August 24- September 23

There’s good news for Virgos in 2023. Health improves and continues improving as the days fly by. Mental and physical health are surrounded with positive vibes…..that’s music for your ears! No important relationship decision should ideally be made in 2023. Just revel in the company, be in the moment and let life proceed as it should. Married Virgos should try to be less confrontational and more physically and verbally loving to keep the relationship strong. Professionally, the year is good, whether employed or self-employed, with many new projects/assignments being negotiated and signed by the company and for the company. A raise in salary can be delayed. Just wait patiently.

Physical & mental health
The year augers well for Virgos. The body feels stronger, digestion niggles are fewer and sleep patterns improve. Leg pain is healed by fifty per cent (it feels good to be able to walk with a light tread once again and not feel tired all the time). Remember to drink enough water during the day. Eat only foods you know agree with the digestive system. Virgos tend to keep obsessing about their health, causing mental anxiety. When physical health improves, anxiety and worry levels decrease.

Love & relationships
Singles are quite happy to be in a platonic equation with one or two people, not initiating greater emotional or physical intimacy and yet enjoying spending time together. Virgos already in a relationship are happy to jog along together, appreciating each other’s company and yet preferring to keep a long-term commitment decision on hold. This is not due to any relationship anxiety, but planetary positions advise that you not take a major decision this year. Married Virgos should try not to be overly aggressive, wanting to eat their cake and have it too. Don’t get involved in a triangle situation which creates havoc with your health and the marriage. Be careful in January, March, May, September, October and November.

Finance & career
Younger Virgos who have yet to choose the profession make a choice between two options. News about a raise in salary via the office grapevine should not be believed till it is officially conveyed. Don’t get involved in office politics. What is said innocently can be used against you later. Self-employed Virgos feel the vibe around them changing and a better period begins after March when new business comes in regularly. Slow months are June, July and August. Travel increases for all Virgos. 

Cosmic tip
Know who your true friends are. Create and maintain a distance from toxic people.

Focus on work, avoid office politics
November 23 - December 22

This year is auspicious for career and finances. This karmic cycle begins only after June. Have a two-point agenda at work the office: firstly, to concentrate on your own work, and second, to not pay attention to office gossip. Physical and mental health can be good, provided relationships remain loving and you take extra care about your diet since the Tarot indicates a lot of socialising. The relationship with your spouse/partner continues to be good and mutually supportive. Couples wanting to get married can do so after June. Singles find the initial attraction peters down as they get to know the person.

Physical & mental health
The Tarot advises making small but sustainable changes in lifestyle which will help you maintain a balance between physical and mental well being. Take extra care of your health in February, March, May and July as since these months involve an upswing in partying, engagements, attending weddings, etc. The digestive system, including liver  can be under duress. Mental health remains in top form as long as family relationships are strong and loving. Just continue with your ‘live and let live’ attitude.

Love & relationships
Renewing vows which strengthen bonds of love keeps the relationship with your spouse/partner on track. Since you both share a friendly camaraderie, it’s easier to discuss issues whenever they emerge. There’s a lot of mutual trust in the relationship too. (Your spouse/partner has understood your independent nature and is comfortable with it.) Those opting for marriage can set the date for a time after June. Singles meet someone new with whom it’s so easy to have a conversation. You are glad about this. As time goes by, however, major differences in thought can occur and resolving arguments becomes tougher. Don’t be in a rush to offer or expect a commitment.

Finance & career
Concentrating only on work and not getting involved in office politics is the best attitude to adopt in 2023. veiled vibes are disconcerting and worrying to a certain extent, though you are not in the line of fire. But do be on alert if and when a couple of employees are given the pink slip. This gradually settles down after June, so just bide time. New work comes in regularly to the company, which in turn means that you are extra busy and could be dealing with more than your share of work. Travel for business negotiations increases from May. A raise in salary is revealed after July. There could even be a promotion.

Cosmic tip
Maintain an attitude of gratitude for all the blessings in your life.

Work doubly hard to draw in new business
September 24 - October 22

This year requires clarity of thought, words and actions. Super smooth diplomacy and ambiguous language may create more issues than necessary. The tarot advises taking mini breaks to keep you feeling energised throughout the year; it also helps sustain a physical and mental health balance. Relationships are loving and mutually supportive, but avoid getting side-tracked into a relationship you’ll regret later on.

Physical & mental health
Making lifestyle changes that help physical and mental health are revealed. However, any alteration made should be from a sustainable viewpoint and not according to the latest health fad doing the rounds. Take extra care if you suffer from circulatory related issues. Librans like to live a peaceful day-to-day life without any drama. Allergies resurface in case there is any emotional upheaval in life. Maintaining a balance between physical and mental health is so very important for Librans. Take enough time off to recharge your internal batteries. Employed and self-employed Librans must do their best at work, continuing negotiations with potential clients as and when approached. Travel fir business is less. 

Love & relationships
Librans continue being the fulcrum around which the entire family revolves with genuine love and affection. Maintaining the right balance between emotions and practicality is important if a stable love life is what you want. There are some temptations along the way which you may want to dodge around, avoiding tricky situations. Those in a relationship take it to the next level. Differences of opinion that didn’t exist may suddenly erupt, taking you by surprise. Discuss them, as they won’t disappear magically. Those in a live-in relationship make an important decision. Singles are still undecided about love versus arranged marriage, so must take their time to decide what they prefer.

Finance & career
Employed Librans are totally focused on the job as usual, but have no control about what happens behind the scenes between two senior-most people. There’s a general air of insecurity felt by everyone in the organisation, with a sizing down happening among mid-level employees. On the plus side, there’s praise and recognition for good work done by you. Several new projects are signed due to your skilful negotiations. Some may opt for a change of job. Self-employed Librans have to work doubly hard to draw in the kind of business they had in the last year. Hire two new staff members if need be. Travel for business is less, whether you are employed or self-employed.

Cosmic tip
Keep communication polite, clear and concise with everyone.

Single Scorpios happy being single for now 
October 23 - November 22

This year sees you enjoying better health, but don’t overdo the exercising. Aching or pulled muscles may be the outcome of excessive exercising. At the same time, physical and mental health go hand in hand. Live in the moment, not in a time warp of 25 years ago, wallowing in all that you had to tolerate, for whatever reason. Appreciate your life as it is today. Singles are happy being single for the moment. Couples need to be tolerant towards each other and increase communication. Don’t be too detached since this creates an emotional gulf. Money management is excellent, with future financial health already looking good. Career moves along on a set path. You draw in quite a bit of business for the company. Appreciation feels so good. A holiday overseas may shoot way past the decided budget.

Physical & mental health
Physical health depends on you and how you treat your body. Follow a healthy diet, exercise within limits and get enough sleep. Pulled muscles or aching muscles seem to be something that happens the moment focus wavers. Another important point is to complete the course of medication advised by the doctor. Don’t stop medication halfway just because you are feeling better. For a peacful mind, bid goodbye to your tendency of living in the past, repeating instances where you’ve been mistreated or put down, sometimes as long back as 25 years ago. Good mental health depends on you keeping a positive mind set.

Love & relationships
Singles take a short break from tumultuous relationship issues, preferring to be single for the moment. The relationship with your spouse/ partner sees an improvement in tolerance levels and also in the attitude of being more appreciative and loving. There are times when you long to be single again, but quickly get over this train of thought. What you find difficult to deal with sometimes is the spouse/partner’s detached attitude when nothing you say beckons a reaction. Have the wisdom to step back peacefully when this happens.

Finance & career
Being good at money management, you’ve made sure the future is taken care of by investing regularly. One fund brings in higher returns than expected, proving other naysayers wrong. Some have three sources of income that keep increasing with time. A holiday overseas turns out dearer than expected. All is well on the career front, except the long hours that you have to put in. There’s appreciation and recognition from the company for your work, which makes the long, weary hours in office worth it. You sign three important deals/assignments for the company. Travel for business negotiations increases from January itself.

Cosmic tip
Confusion surrounding decision making can be resolved by deferring it to the next day. 

This is a year of travel
December 23 - January 20

In some ways this is a year that sees life moving without any major blips; but then, that depends on whether you are married or planning to tie the knot. Really getting to know each other may be the surprise package. Don’t shy away from speaking your mind if feeling forced to accept other people’s choices for the wedding arrangements. Try to remain calm and practical in reactions. Physical and mental health can cause concerns, but these issues are trivial and can be easily taken care of by the doctor. Financially, it’s a good year, whether you are employed or self-employed, with regular work coming in and clients making payments on time. A raise in salary is revealed in the second half of the year. Travel for work increases.

Physical & mental health
Physical health is good till June and then minor niggles could crop up. Painful joints, headaches and insomnia, to name a few. Do consult a doctor as soon as they appear. Maintaining a fitness routine (as advised) works better than working out sporadically. But don’t overdo the exercising. And stay away from fad diets. Mental health is as sharp as ever, but forgetting names or what you were going to say bothers you. Remember this happens sometimes to all of us. Don’t stress about it.

Love & relationships
Those in a long-term relationship may consider setting a marriage date. Too many differences of opinion emerge once the date is decided on and while other details are being worked out together. What had been easy to navigate now becomes a minefield of arguments. Go for pre-marital counselling if this gets alarmingly out of hand. Those who are married or are in a live-in relationship continue to give each other respect, sharing a warm all-consuming love. Singles enter the marriage period but may not be comfortable with an arranged marriage. This can create an issue with the parents.

Finance & career
Making investments regularly during the year is revealed. There are unexpected expenses in June/July which you deal with without a problem. Regular new business coming in makes this a year you sail through without worrying about held up payments. A raise in salary is confirmed by July. July onwards, you see a time of extensive travel (which you enjoy). Several business negotiations held in never before visited venues add excitement to the entire experience. Family holidays become opportunities for bonding and having fun.

Cosmic tip
Try and spend as much time as possible amongst nature and natural surroundings. This is a great way to absorb the healing vibe of Mother Nature.

Balance socialising with well being
January 21 – February 19

This year requires that you strike a balance between having a good time and health without overdoing either on drinks or food. Taking mini breaks to rest and relax is also important, as is cutting down on having habitual late nights. Those with circulatory issues must follow the doctor’s advice and take care of themselves. Relationships can thrive if you are able to showcase your vulnerable side. Singles prefer remaining single for now. Married Aquarians are learning to be consciously loving and caring. Unmarried couples have formed their own equation pattern and remain committed to each other. The second half of the year is favourable for career/business. Reorganising investments is important to build financial health.

Physical & mental health
Take small breaks to relax to ensure that physical and mental health remains at optimum. There are some warning signs the Tarot shares: those with circulatory issues must follow advice given, taking medication on time and regularly. Those who love socialising and partying should be aware that the next day may be a working day, keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum. Cutting down on regular late nights will help in overall improvement of health. Older Aquarians must remember to drink enough water during the day.

Love & relationships
Sometimes, friends and family feel a little confused regarding you and where they should place themselves in your affections. The reason for this bewilderment is rooted in your personality; you can be very loving one moment and utterly detached the next. Reassurance from you will go a long way in preserving relationships. Friends introduce singles to a couple of friends in the hope of making a match, but no such magic happens. Aquarians in a long-term relationship are quite happy to enjoy being together without adding the extra responsibility of marriage and everything that comes with it. Married Aquarians could try extra hard to make their spouse feel loved and wanted.

Finance & career
Some important decisions need to be taken about investments that were chosen a while back, as some may not be bringing in promised dividends. Streamlining the portfolio is advisable, as is doing a little more research before re-investing. From August begins a financially rewarding period, whether you are employed or self-employed. Delayed payments come in after June and two really prestigious projects/assignments are signed, making up for the slow time from January to June. There is less travel for business this year; clients will prefer connecting virtually. 

Cosmic tip
Continue having faith even if you don’t know what the end result will be.

Worry less and watch your health glow
February 20 - March 20

Better health, both physical and mental, is revealed for 2023. Making regular minor changes to your habits and lifestyle will bring abundant benefits, especially to energy levels. Worrying less is one habit you need to build. Relationships can be good; it all depends on how you deal with daily adjustments. To begin with, speak lovingly and kindly. Property settlements can be initiated and resolved by seeing the other person’s point of view. Avoid a legal case. Financial health is good (as usual). Adding onto the wealth portfolio is a given, whether you are employed or self-employed.

Physical & mental health
This year brings an improvement in health, especially for those Pisceans who have had a difficult time from July to December 2022. Aim at making small but consistent changes to lifestyle and challenging long-term habits that you know don’t work for you any longer. Getting enough sleep every night headines the list of ‘must do’. Consciously socialising less is another decision which can bring you benefits including giving you more time for yourself. Mental health depends on you. Consciously stop worrying about life and what is not in your hands. Learn to have more faith in God/the universe. What’s best for you will eventually unfold.

Love & relationships
Make an honest effort to control what you say, using milder words which aren’t hurtful. The survival of relationships depend purely on you and your reactions. Singles meet someone they like but may spend an inordinate amount of time thinking of the pros and cons of the relationship and personality differences. The relationship with your spouse/partner can be good, provided you change the way you interact with them Be more reasonable, more loving, and less judgmental. Those planning to get married decide to wait for a little while longer before making up their mind.

Finance & career
This year highlights property, especially family-owned property. Issues can be resolved amicably if everyone thinks in a logical and practical manner, keeping personalities out of discussions. Try to avoid taking legal action or even talking about it. This is a good time for finances, whether you are employed or self-employed. Money multiplies, allowing you to make several good investments. Regular business ensures a consistent flow of money. Some may decide to invest in a second home. Business/career are on a positive path with rewards coming in for hard work put you have put in earlier. 

Cosmic tip
Acknowledge that all that is going right in your life. Say a big, thank you to God/the universe.

The writer is a Mumbai-based tarot consultant. Catch her daily horoscope column in Mid-day. You can reach her at

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