Maharashtra Government has asked the state Director General of Police (DGP) to ensure that members of the force do not put up the insignia as well as a board with 'Police' written on it, on their private vehicles
Maharashtra Government has asked the state Director General of Police (DGP) to ensure that members of the force do not put up the insignia as well as a board with 'Police' written on it, on their private vehicles.
"Using the insignia and plate carrying the word 'Police' on private vehicles of the officers is illegal. we have received several complaints to this effect. You are directed to issue strict instructions to the police force that doing so will invite legal action," a circular issued by the Home department to the State DGP said.
The circular, which was issued on September 7, says, "It has come to light that police officials use the police insignia and the nameplate (police) on their private vehicles. This is illegal."