Spelling serious trouble for Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja, accused of raping his maidservant, a medical report of the victim has confirmed the crime, a top police official said on Tuesday.
Spelling serious trouble for Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja, accused of raping his maidservant, a medical report of the victim has confirmed the crime, a top police official said on Tuesday.
"The findings of the medical report confirm the statements in the victim's first information report (FIR)," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone VI) Niket Kaushik said on Tuesday afternoon.
In another disclosure, Kaushik said that a physical examination of the victim indicated she could be aged between 17-18 years, making her a minor as per Indian laws.
"In order to determine her correct age, we are now planning to send her for appropriate dental and bone examination. So I cannot comment anything on this aspect immediately," Kaushik said.
The victim used to commute by local train from Vasai suburb in neighbouring Thane district to Shiney's home daily for doing cooking and other chores along with two other part-time servants.
On Sunday, she lodged a complaint against Shiney, accusing him of raping her, threatening to kill and illegally confining her, leading to the actor's arrest.
Shiney was on Monday remanded to police custody till June 18.