Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today directed the officials to complete all the works taken up under 'Jalyukt Shivar' programme, which aims at ensuring enough irrigation for farms through local-level water conservation measures, by March 31 this year
Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today directed the officials to complete all the works taken up under 'Jalyukt Shivar' programme, which aims at ensuring enough irrigation for farms through local-level water conservation measures, by March 31 this year.
"I have directed officials to complete all the works by March 31 in a more focused way," Fadnavis said after a video conference with the divisional commissioners and district collectors.
He reviewed scarcity situation, fodder availability, allocation of water tankers and compensation distributed to farmers.
He directed the Konkan divisional commissioner to support the initiative of Magsaysay awardee Dr Rajendra Singh for rejuvenation of five rivers in the coastal region.
"This year, the government has selected 5200 villages for Jalyukt Shivar programme along with farm ponds scheme to provides farm pond to everyone without any conditions," he said.
He asked the district administration to work with the aim of making every village of Maharashtra scarcity free.