Photographers captured all three of Nita and Mukesh Ambani's children, Isha, Akash and Anant, seated in a limousine accompanied by former MP Milind Deora and his wife, producer Pooja Shetty exiting Karan Johar's residence
Milind Deora, Pooja Shetty, Akash, Isha Ambani andAnant Ambani
Old friends
This week, media platforms across the board were flashing pictures of what appeared to be a fascinating grouping: all three of Nita and Mukesh Ambani's children, Isha, Akash and Anant, seated in a limousine accompanied by former MP Milind Deora and his wife, producer Pooja Shetty. What's more, they were captured departing from producer-director and TV host Karan Johar's residence, after what appeared to be a really small, private dinner.
Even though every member of this cluster was famous and inhabited the very top edge of the social wedge, their disparate vocations and ages drew a fair amount of curiosity: what had given rise to the gathering? The launch of a big budget film? A high-profile ad campaign? The start of a new sports league?
Dhirubhai Ambani and Murli Deora
Actually, it was their fathers. That Milind's father, the late Congress leader Murli Deora, had been one of Dhirubhai Ambani's oldest and closest friends, is well known. Both men shared a unique rapport and spent much time in each other's company, be it flying to Delhi as ambitious young men looking to make friends and influence people; or en famille at their weekend getaway homes on the outskirts of Mumbai.
Manmohan Shetty and Yash Johar
Meanwhile, Pooja Shetty's father, entertainment mogul Manmohan Shetty, and Karan Johar's dad, the late producer Yash Johar, shared a warm rapport too. In spite of belonging to a glamorous industry, both men had carved a reputation for themselves as being down to earth, loyal, and ever ready to help in times of crisis. When we had met Manmohan with both his daughters for tea, he'd spoken fondly of the elder Johar.
And on his part, KJo had made many references to Pooja' s sister Aarti in his recent memoir. So there you have it, the most likely and plausible cause for a bunch of old family friends to get together for some nosh and chin-wag on a lazy Sunday evening.