You can also use earrings that resemble buttons to create your own pin, provided the earring post is firm and does not detach easily
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If you, like this writer, struggle with gaping waistbands every time you order a new set of jeans and need to make frequent runs to a tailor to take tucks, I have just the fix for you. These cute button pins (Rs 199) for jeans come in a set of five. They can be pinned slightly away from the button that originally came sewn on the jeans. All you have to do is button up your jeans like you usually do, only with this option, you use the button pin. And voila! The gap is fixed. Remember to not pin these extra buttons too far away, or it will scrunch up the waistband. You can also use earrings that resemble buttons to create your own pin, provided the earring post is firm and does not detach easily.
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