WhatsApp has incorporated it's much anticipated video calling feature in its official beta testing program, which is available on Google Play. According to a reports, users will have to download the beta version to avail of this feature
WhatsApp has incorporated it's much anticipated video calling feature in its official beta testing program, which is available on Google Play. According to a report by The Financial Express, users will have to download the beta version to avail of this feature.
WhatsApp's official beta version can also be downloaded from other sources like APK Mirror. Users would have to sign up for it by clicking the 'Become a Tester' button.
WhatsApp has yet to advertise this feature, which is currently available only to Android users. For users on the beta version of WhatsApp on Android, will be able to see a 'Video Call' and 'Voice Call' choices when they tap the top dialer button. But one must ensure that the downloaded version is at least 2.16.318.
Earlier this week, Facebook rolled out some new updates for the Desktop versions of it's WhatsApp and Messenger Apps. This new update enabled users to do voice and video calls directly from the apps instead of closing them and calling their friends on the Facebook and WhatsApp lists through the browser.