While the weather plays havoc with our respiratory system introducing a slew of pollutants to our tracts, The Guide doles out handy tips on how to beat the heat-cold-dust circle of illness, this season
>> Eat foods rich in Vitamins:
Beta Carotene and Vitamins C and E help to build a strong immune system. Including more raw vegetables and red and orange coloured fruits in your diet is the best way to ensure a high intake of anti-oxidants. Be sure you cook these super ingredients in as little liquid as possible to prevent nutrient loss.
>> Consume foods high in bio-flavonoids
Look for bio-flavonoids in the pulp and white core that runs through the centre of cherries, grapes, green peppers and citrus fruits like lemons, limes and oranges.
>> Strengthen the immune system
Introduce glutathione in your diet. This powerful anti-oxidant is plentiful in the red pulpy area of the watermelon near the rind. It can also be found in broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other cruciferous vegetables. Avoid this if you have hypothyroidism.
>> Eating foods high in phytochemicals
Apples, apricots, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots,cauliflower, garlic, legumes onions, red peppers, soya beans, sweet potatoes and tomatoes help in maintaining one’s holisticwellness.
Flex the exercise:
>> Alternate strenuous work-out days with rest
In this kind of weather, it is always advisable to take it easy and strike a good balance between exercise and rest. Forms of exercise like traditional yoga or even tai chi that stress on slow breath-movement coordination are perfect.
>> Yoga asanas to prevent the cold
These asanas are perfect to nip such illnesses in the bud: Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend); Tadasana (mountain pose); Shashanka Bhujangasana (striking cobra pose). Each of these asanas should be practised in their dynamic forms. Their slow dynamic energy involves breath coordination, thereby resulting in enhancing the lung capacity.
>> Asanas to help before you fall ill
When the body is just about to fall sick, yoga asanas help in conserving energy. Shavasana (corpse pose) is the most important one. Makarasana (crocodile pose) also helps. Ujjayi, Anuloma-Viloma, and Bhastrika Pranayamas should be done in early morning’s fresh air, ideally, in one’s balcony.
>> For other aerobic workouts
Remember, be it a brisk walk or jogging, one needs to give enough rest in between. the workout is perfect to the level where it raises your heart rate enough. Do carry sweatshirts for outdoor workouts which should be worn post the session.
Remedies from the kitchenu00a0
>> Boil five green cardamom and two cloves in two litres of water and drink this daily to improve immunity.
>> A good remedy to treat a cold as well as a dry cough is to make a brew of two tablespoons of ginger juice and one tablespoon of garlic juice with a pinch of haldi powder and two green cardamom in 100 ml water. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for two minutes. Strain and add one tsp of mishri, and drink it warm 2-3 times per day.u00a0