The United Nations Women India chapter has organised a photography competition to help people express what freedom from violence for women and girls really means to them
In the last few weeks, we all have been questioning women’s safety issues in India. Now, to highlight the issue and look for a possible explanation on what does freedom from violence really mean for India’s women, the United Nations Women India chapter has organised a special photography competition inviting photographers from all over the country to express their view through photographs.
The competition will require one to upload a photograph expressing how do they see ‘freedom from violence’ for women and girls on its Facebook page. Each photograph has to be accompanied with a 100 word caption explaining what the photo represents and where itu00a0was taken.
The top three winners of the competition will be selected through popular votes on Facebook and an independent professional jury and will win a camera each. The competition will be open till February 10, 2013.
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