ShopBarbCo on will give you all the chic Barbie accessories possible. The transparent bag and the iconic profile necklace embedded with crystals are what caught our eye. Cost Rs 2,404 (bag); Rs 1,425 (necklace).
If you’re heading to the theatre to catch the Oppenheimer and Barbie movies on the same day, don’t bother with an outfit change. Simply wear graphic tees over jeans or pair it with a flowy pink skirt from for Rs 599. The two-in-one outfit is ready. Also, The pink marble dinner set available on to completes a table for six people with 26 pieces of dinnerware. With a colour palette of rose, gold and white, it speaks more Barbara than Barbie. Get the velvet and gold embroidered tablecloth in pink and you’re ready to host a dinner party. Cost Rs 20,260 (dinner set); Rs 1,050 (tablecloth).
Pink or Barbie stationery is easy to find, but these unicorn envelopes on outshine the common Barbie kits we see in many stores. They cost Rs 1,400.
Doll up with Aday By Leesha’s ikat handloom cotton dress with balloon sleeves and an open back with buttons. The best part? It has pockets. You can also go formal and Western with Waikiki’s butterfly ruched co-ord set. Log on to and; Cost Rs 1,500 (dress); Rs 9,500 (co-ords).
A Barbie-inspired fit doesn’t have to be all pink; take for example, Janhvi Kapoor’s denim co-ord set with crystal accessories on the pockets, collar and skirt. It reminds us of the doll’s vintage Chanel suits that we hope the upcoming movie will have a lot of.