Ahead of her debut solo in Mumbai, an anonymous Gurgaon-based artist gives us a glimpse into her popular alter-ego that draws curious glances and leaves her blindfolded
After presenting solos in Delhi and London, Princess Pea makes her debut in Mumbai next month. For the uninitiated, she’s the alter-ego of an anonymous Gurgaon-based artist — an anime-style living toy, who dons a giant pea-shaped head on her petite form. It harks back to her growing up years as a skinny sibling to a plump sister. Titled Sunrise Ceremonies, the exhibition features sets of photographs conceived as an Instagram project in 2015 — a visual diary of her quotidian experience, from overseeing work at her toy workshop to cycling, strolling on a beach and interacting with kids. It also unveils Soul Sister, a toy sculpture in The Pea Family toy series, and introduces a performance piece too. Excerpts from an email interview:
The photographs featuring Princess Pea will be framed for the exhibition
What are you looking forward to the most in your Mumbai trip?
It’s my first trip here as Princess Pea, and I am excited to share my story. I seek for believers, not just viewers.
How have you crafted the head? What reactions do you get?
It is made of high polyester plastic and weighs 20 kgs. The head was styled keeping in mind the load we, as women, carry all our life. Once I strolled through a village and the school children wanted to interact with me. People were amused. I got some free oranges from a fruit seller.
Tell us about the new toy sculpture.
The limited-edition wooden toys are handcrafted in Etikoppaka, Andhra Pradesh. The Soul Sister toy stands on one large head with two body types. It champions the value and rights of the girl-child in India.