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Horoscope 2019: What the year has planned for you

Updated on: 01 January,2019 09:07 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Anisha Banerji |

Tarot reader Anisha Banerji analyses the movement of Jupiter and Uranus to see how health, love and money will treat you in 2019

Horoscope 2019: What the year has planned for you

Anisha Yanger

Be your own brand ambassador
March 20 – April 19

Illustrations/Uday Mohite
Illustrations/Uday Mohite

This year is focussed on work and travel. Till March 2019, you could wonder: “Whose life am I leading? Is it really mine, or am I just borrowing it?” Post March, the hurricane will ebb and you will start finding your feet at work and home. Some of you will change careers or start working from home. Some of you will be looking for a new home or even redecorating your current one. Take responsibility for issues that surround you and begin to address them. You will be able to reach a new level of spiritual health too this year.

Career: Mark May and June as the months when you will shine at work. Don’t be afraid to be your own brand ambassador. This year may see a lot of Arians turn into entrepreneurs. But Uranus will keep you on your toes, creating unpredictability. Gamble if you must, but make sure it’s something you love and be in touch with your natural talents. Try and go solo if possible, else be prepared for volatile business relationships.

Sex: As much as you love everything fast and furious, 2019 is a year to cuddle and savour intimacy. You are a no-nonsense lover and want to get down to business, but this year, make time for foreplay. How about investing in scented candles and luxurious linen?

Health: Since you will be on the go, and prefer quick foods without a fuss, make 2019 a year of clean eating. Take time to plan your meals better. Store eggs, avocado, brown rice, banana, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, black olive dips; food which can be consumed on the fly. Avoid salt, alcohol and spicy food. Pick a short-term, intense regimen that holds your interest. Or try a weight loss challenge with a friend. Your competitive streak will see you through.

Lucky planet: Jupiter will ensure you travel through the year. It will expand your mind and grow your business.

Plan a weekly food menu
April 20 – May 20


With Uranus in your sign for the next seven years, get ready to question your beliefs and value system. Remember, you are an earth sign. Stand your truth, define your boundaries. Stay connected to the earth and be centered. You can expect emotional changes in all areas of your life. Stay flexible. Keep an open mind. The good news is that most of the planets are in the Earth sign and you being one, will benefit from this. It’s good to dream but have your feet firmly rooted. Stand your truth and define your boundaries. This year kicks off the journey to self discovery, offering an opportunity to re-awaken yourself to the purpose of your life.

Career: March and September are your “I can do anything” months. Use them to negotiate a deal, land a job opportunity, pull a favour. You are encouraged to do the unconventional this year. Follow your dream and you may surprise yourself with an angel investor. Plan your finances and if required, hire a professional to do it.

Health: You have a tendency to be a binge eater and unfortunately, you believe in drowning your tears in a box of candy, making you prone to weight gain. Since you prefer to have your meals comfortably seated, with big helpings and of sumptuous dishes, like a quiche or chocolate mousse, it’s important that you plan the weekly menu in advance. Stock up on cranberries, asparagus, beet, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, onions, radish, pumpkin, nuts, beans, and horseradish. Avoid rich and heavy foods, and excessive carbohydrates. Indulge in regular physical activity. Your routine has to be predictable and border on boring so that you can stick to it steadfastly.

Sex: You make a passionate lover, and with Venus as your ruler, you are all about sensuality and seduction. You like to take your time in the bedroom. Go ahead and invest in a sex toy. It may make things more exciting.

Lucky planet: In 2019, Jupiter will have you explore intimacy with your partner. Don’t hesitate to visit a therapist if you feel you can’t connect with them emotionally and sexually.

Business partnerships will be favoured
May 21 – June 20


All signs have been shaken up by Uranus since 2011 in some form of the other, but 2019 is a year of emotional progress. Focus on releasing unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life, and adding some unusual coincidences into it. You might adopt unconventional methods to help others, or find anonymous ways of expression (perhaps through technology or the Internet) comforting. It’s a great year for therapy, to cut ties maybe from a traumatic childhood that binds you in some way. You will find yourself researching topics that fascinate you, but also remember to step out and engage in the glorious frivolities that life offers. It’s possible that 2019 sees you travel far and wide for love or you may get involved with someone from another country or a person belonging to another culture.

Career: July and August are great for collaborations. This year is about teamwork. Your team will be your strength. Business partnerships are favoured this year. This is the time for combining creative resources and pulling a favour from a friend. Networking will help you expand your work.

Health: For Geminis, having good company matters more than what’s on the table. You love a good conversation during a meal, which can make you a careless eater. You love variety and you don’t tolerate the same boring meals every day. The trick is to stock up a variety of ingredients in your kitchen for when hunger pangs hit. Plums, oranges, grapefruit, raisins, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, celery, green beans, tomatoes, vegan yogurt, almonds, cayenne, garlic, and ginger are good. Avoid coffee, root vegetables (potato and radish), yeasty foods, and refined sugar. Try aerobics. Switch between exercise routines since you are easily distracted and have an overactive nervous system, so you tend to burn calories quickly.

Sex: You believe sex should be fun, with lots of laughter and play. Experiment this year; try fun fantasy dressing up.

Lucky planet: Jupiter will help you widen your business relationships as well as personal ones.

Work and health are the focus
June 21 – July 22


In 2019, you will expand your friendships and enliven your social circle. You are happy to let go of friends who have refused to grow or no longer are a part of your larger story. It’s a year to meet new and unusual people. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream subject. You could be drawn to people who are free-spirited. Friendships that are stuffy or limiting may very well be left behind. You have a strong ability to see each person for who s/he is as individuals, and this makes you endearing to others. Mercury retrogrades in 2019 are in Water signs which indicate that you need to listen to your intuition. Work on connecting with your higher consciousness; you will be able to find answers by looking inwards.

Career: July could see a collaboration and a power struggle as well. Be clear about who gets what on the table. October is a great month for striking out on your own, whether with vlogging, being a social influencer or just providing content.

Health: You are known for your culinary skills. You love buying the most expensive and quality food. Also, you tend to overeat, especially when you are nervous and frightened. This could lead you into an eating spree. Think culinary hedonism. Curb it to stay in the pink of your health. Stock up on wheat, whole-grain rye, rice, oats, fruits, bananas, steamed vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, cucumbers, seaweed, vegan yogurt, beans, and natural sugars. Avoid oily foods, salt, sweets, and refined sugar. Use your love for domesticity to retrain yourself to prepare light meals that fill you up and yet provide nutrition. With your perseverance, you will respond beautifully to any long-term fitness programme.

Sex: For you, sex and love are closely knit. You can’t fathom having sex with partners you are not emotionally connected with. Fiercely faithful, you stay devoted in a relationship. Gentle and sensuous love-making with a committed partner will give you a high.

Lucky planet: Work and health are lit up with Jupiter shining it’s light on them the entire year. Energise your workplace by adding some plants and a few personal belongings that make you smile.

You’ll desire to be a free spirit
July 23 – Aug 22


Unpredictable, chaotic Uranus enters your work and reputation sector in March, ushering an era of inspiration, dynamic and unusual work energies. During this cycle, your career direction begins to change and your relationships with authority figures could be confusing. Working solo or with business partners who understand your boundaries may be your best bet. You are in no mood to be pushed. That said, take a deep breath before you decide not to work with restrictive or structured organisations. Your desire to be a free spirit may lead you to discover and recognise talent that you never knew you had, and this can be a sudden, exciting discovery. You may also find that unexpected twists in your life story impact your career and reputation. You could become known for an unconventional approach to your profession.

Career: Working with friends will prove beneficiary. They will have your back and be accepting of your erratic and dynamic energy. Be careful that your exuberance does not come across as rebellion or worse, as aggression.

Health: Though not fond of cooking, you still have a big appetite for food. You enjoy dining at expensive restaurants. You need to pay attention to nutritional requirements which may not be fulfilled. Consume more vegetables and fruits. Stock up on whole grains, rice, citrus fruits, apples, peaches, root vegetables, spinach, broccoli, bitter greens (kale and mustard greens), nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and figs. Avoid spicy food and dairy products. An audience because it gets you going. Join a fancy gym with celebrity clientele. You’ll enjoy working out in full view and fantasize about how dazzling you’ll look once you’ve dropped a few pounds.

Sex: Leos love being the center of attention and there’s nothing like compliments to turn you on. Introduce your honey to sex games and watch the heat turn up.

Lucky planet: Jupiter lights us your relationship with someone from another culture/country in 2019.

Year of exploring the unusual
Aug 23 – Sept 22


It’s a year to travel, at the slightest opportunity, even if unexpectedly. You’ll find eye-opening experiences in store for you. The people that you meet during this cycle will stir you into new ways of thinking. During 2019, you would be less inclined towards a traditional personal philosophy. Some may abruptly stop or start higher education during this cycle. Be willing to take risks, stretch your boundaries and expand your mind. It’s a great year to develop your spiritual side and heal yourself. A majority of the planets this year are in the Earth sign and this is good news for all Virgos. Stay grounded when things get a bit too much to handle.

Career: Network as much as possible. Connect with like-minded people. Some of you may form an organisation together.

Health: You are known to be the only sign that can actually be on a diet without feeling the urge to cheat because you believe in doing everything perfectly. Virgos have a love for organic food and can make magic with their cooking skills. Since you may have a slower metabolism, choose food that is light on the stomach. Stock up on whole grains and cereals, oats, fruit juices, lemon juice, bananas, oranges, leafy greens, vegetables with spices, sprouts, soups, teas, and almonds. Avoid rich and heavy foods, and chocolate. Practically everything on the planet repulses you, or gives you the shivers (you’re the kind who binge eats one month, and has organic chimichangas the next), and you’re maddeningly (to some) hypersensitive about dietary matters. Adopt vegetarianism or any fringe diet and fitness programme that’s pragmatic, detailed and purifying.

Sex: Since you strive for perfection in all aspects of your life, your sex life is no different. You are a diligent lover who is more likely to focus on the technique of sex. You don’t like surprises.

Lucky planet: Jupiter will increase opportunities to earn. You have to be brave enough to grab them.

Control your sweet tooth
Sept 23 – Oct 22


In mythology, Uranus is known as Father Sky that rules outer space and aeronautics and shows where we want to fly free and without restrictions This year ushers in a period of some ambiguities or
unexpected happenings surrounding money that are not related to your own earnings or income. It could be shared resources with a close partner, alimony, taxes, loans, and so on. At times, this could throw you off balance. It could also interfere with your pursuit of pleasure, if the pleasure you seek or the hobbies you involve yourself in require extra money to spend. And you may not be able to depend on support or backing from others.

Career: All forms of communication careers and publishing work will flourish. Be your own brand ambassador in 2019.

Health: You’re so wishy-washy, that mid-diet you may change your mind. Variety is the key to a successful workout for you. Librans, you are also infamous for your sweet tooth. Though you prefer having smaller portions of everything else – salads, starters, and main course – when it comes to dessert, you don’t ration. You enjoy good wine and a cozy, comfortable environment while dining. Watch out for your love for sweets if you want to avoid the repercussions. Stock up on whole grains, oats, apples, grapes, strawberries, raisins, steamed vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, peas, carrots, corn, dairy, cheeses, yogurt, nuts, and almonds. Avoid alcohol, carbonated beverages, yeasty foods, and refined sugar. A partner to keep you on track, mixed with a balanced, middle-of-the-road eating plan should work.

Sex: You are a generally easy going, fun and creative lover, who enjoys the art of seduction. For you, sex is about sharing, connecting and responding to whatever comes naturally. Making love under the stars, with a bottle of your best wine works magic for you.

Lucky planet: Jupiter will help increase your knowledge and skill set, and you may find enjoyment in doing so. This might be a good time to take a course because you will be more receptive to learning and expanding your knowledge and skills.

Jupiter says, ask for a raise
Oct 23 – Nov 22


The year ushers in a period that will change your view of partnerships. Your close relationships may become erratic or surprise you in some manner, and you may feel that it’s hard to truly rely on a partner. Stagnant or outworn relationships may be especially hard for you to tolerate during this cycle. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in your relationship sector. You don’t care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with resistance or downright rebellion. Some of you may find your current relationship restricting and you could either end it or experience tension as you explore ways to break free.

Career: You are likely to see benefits to your earning power and value system. This is a profitable and productive year for you. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and you may choose to develop your talents in order to boost your earning power. Your income is likely to increase, and there will come multiple opportunities to improve your financial future.

Health: Scorpios, you have a palate for spicy foods, which you can crave for at any time of the day or night. As a sign, you deal with extremes – all or nothing. You may consume large quantities at once and may not have anything for six straight hours. Remember to drink more water as you can easily forget to sip on it throughout the day. Eat fruits, bananas, black cherries, coconut, steamed vegetables, green salads, leeks, cauliflower, onion, radish, tomato, asparagus, cucumber, beet, beans, lentils, and almonds. Avoid oily foods, yeasty foods, salt, sweets, and refined sugar. Any extreme regimen that involves control over your impulses, mild self-flagellation, and full-body detoxification is good. Try power yoga, pilates and body combat.

Sex: You have an intense sexual appetite. Emotional, passionate though jealous and possessive, your mysterious side would be happy to play dress up in the bedroom.

Lucky Planet: Jupiter encourages you to ask for a raise, apply for a loan, or take
part in various dealings with financial institutions.

You will want to break free from routine
Nov 22 – Dec 22


Uranus’s presence is going to encourage you to break free from the confines of routine and harbour disdain for fitting into a mould. This year, you are moving towards a fresh approach on how to deal with work and the daily details of your life. Erratic schedules and perhaps some disruptions and tensions are possible as you adjust to this influence. Be prepared for your working hours to become non-traditional. You might also be moving towards a more unconventional job. You may be restless with routines, and tend to answer to your own internal rhythm rather than pay attention to social rhythm.

Career: Sagittarians, avoid work that is limiting or lifeless, for it could drag you down. This year, you will tend to approach tasks with erratic or haphazard energy. You may work tirelessly at certain times, and procrastinate otherwise. Find work that offers you not only variety and stimulation, but also the chance to invent. Progressive, part-time, or unconventional tasks will appeal to you in 2019.

Health: Sagittarians have a love for experimenting. They love exotic delicacies and can also take spicy food. You also tend to put on weight easily, particularly on the hips and thighs. You are likely to binge and then skip the next five meals. Avoid this. Eat whole grains, whole-grain cereals, pear, apple, orange, strawberries, root vegetables, onion, olives, fig, and garlic. Avoid spicy food, sweets, refined sugar, and alcohol. Regular gymming will seldom work for you. Go hiking or mountain climbing. As for dieting, don’t even try it. Just try to eat healthy and lead a vigorous life.

Sex: You have lots of energy and are most likely to enjoy a quickie. Since you are easily bored and dislike routine, especially in the bedroom, try making love in interesting surroundings.

Lucky planet: Your ruling planet Jupiter brings noticeable improvements to your self-confidence and personality. You are more obviously exuberant and enthusiastic. This year has the potential to be a relaxed, fortunate, and hopeful time.

It’s a time for spontaneity
Dec 22 – Jan 20


Since this year, a majority of planets are in the Earth sign, and so you are going to benefit the most. Uranus will push you towards unconventional ways of expressing yourself and your creativity. Your may find that your hobbies can be out of the ordinary, and so can your relationships with children and lovers. This year, you free yourself of inhibition. It’s a time for spontaneity. Casual love affairs that have grown stale should be left behind. Some of you may also attract unusual romances.

Career: Work that involves charity, contributing to altruistic endeavours, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward will be fulfilling. Some of you will leave your structured jobs and go independent. Research work, behind the scenes assignments or work that involves serving others may begin now and bring you joy.

Health: You are known to be quite particular about your eating routine. For you, taste and quality is of utmost importance. You have a love for homemade food and a partner who cooks is a bonus. Watch your salt intake and avoid overeating. Have rice, fruit salad, juices, orange, lemon, vegetables with spices, cabbage, corn, potato, sprouts, soups, teas, peanuts, fig, and flax seeds. Avoid rich and heavy foods, spicy fare and chocolate. A systematised diet and fitness plan favoring milder exercise routines like yoga and pilates will help manage your tendency to stiffen under pressure.

Sex: You tend to be satisfied with your sex life. You pride yourself in being well-rounded lovers who enjoy structure. Despite your tendency toward planning, you are open to experimenting in the bedroom.

Lucky planet: Jupiter helps to get rid of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears, and deeply-ingrained tendencies towards guilty feelings, acting much like a guardian angel.

The year of achieving goals
Jan 20 – Feb 18


Uranus ushers in a period of disruption on the domestic front. It’s possible that some of you may move home, but even if you don’t, there could be some disruptions to your routine or erratic elements that you have need to deal with. Your life speeds up, and decision-making can be hasty. Be prepared for unexpected changes in plans, which could test your patience. However, rather than worry, know that these events could stimulate you to try new approaches and cut boredom. Letting go of old family conditioning is a theme this year.

Career: It’s a year of achieving your goals. Others tend to value your advice and often turn to you for help. It’s a period of being more active with friends and the community. There may be opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues to fulfil your own goals. Success at work will likely come in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. This is a powerful year for manifestations.

Health: You are the “I’ll do it my way” sign. You are often vegetarian/vegan because of humanitarian sentiments. You prefer low calorie meals and like vegetables and fruit more than protein. This is great but when occupied with work, you tend to eat whatever comes your way. In fact, you are more prone to late night bingeing than other signs. Eat apple, orange, pear, steamed vegetables, cabbage, celery, corn, carrot, tomato, broccoli, soy yogurt, nuts, dates, fig, cayenne, garlic, ginger, and protein bars. Avoid coffee, yeasty foods and refined sugar. You rule the ankles and circulatory system, which is why skiing, treadmilling and dancing are excellent calorie burners for you. And diet? Follow your own regimen. The more it is off the beaten track, the better the results will be.

Sex: You make an exciting and unpredictable lover. You have affair bit of action, but you’re also most likely to remain faithful to your partner.

Lucky planet: This is the year to rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends may increase during this fruitful Jupiter transit. Network, connect and take holidays with your friends.

You will gain in status
Feb 18 – March 20


This year will demand a lot of mental stimulation from you. Pick up a brand new study, since you could be more attracted to unusual ideas, fields, and concepts. New opportunities to express yourself, particularly through speaking and writing, can suddenly enter your life. You may be communicating more about your past or finding people you relate to more readily. You are likely to make changes in your life that help you break out of routine. Acquaintances, siblings, or casual friends may be catalysts for this new self-expression.

Career: This is a year to gain in status, particularly on the professional front. You can expect increased public recognition and professional success. It’s a time of profitable productivity and success in business. Increased work-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during 2019. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma or some other major award. You may come into the limelight. Authority figures and influential people will tend to look on you favourably and seem to be “in your corner”. Integrity and honesty will take you everywhere.

Health: Kind, dreamy, and occasionally self-delusional, you badly need structure in your life, or else you’ll start drinking gin and writing soppy lyrics. You may love food and unfortunately, food is often how you express your love for dear ones. You like beautifully decorated and romantic setups for meals, and have a tendency to become heavy drinkers. Make an effort to increase your water intake and go on regular detox diets. Have wheat, whole-grain cereals, rice, oats, apple, grape, orange, lemon, peach, plum, steamed vegetables, spinach, onion, seaweed, beans, dates, and natural sugars. Avoid coffee, oily foods, yeasty foods, asparagus, salt, sweets, and refined sugar. Choose an exercise that gives you the illusion of merging with the universe. Try yoga, rock climbing or running. To avoid going off the deep end, go for a rational, three-meal-a-day diet — and hang on to your scales.

Sex: Pisceans are gentle and emotional lovers who aim to please. You are among the star signs that has regular sex, as well as those who have the most sexual partners. Even though you have a shy demeanour, most of you enjoy dressing up in the bedroom.

Lucky planet: This is a year of exploring new partnerships. Foreign collaborations will bring success. It’s a year of learning and implementing a new thought process in your personal and workspace. Be willing to explore the unexplored, there might be pleasant surprises in store.

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