Telly actress Kratika Sengar was in a celebratory mood at the launch party of new serial 'Service Wali Bahu' with two of her favourite men for company — husband Nikitin and father-in-law, Pankaj Dheer
TV celebs at the launch party of 'Service Wali Bahu'
Telly actress Kratika Sengar was in a celebratory mood at the launch party of new serial 'Service Wali Bahu' with two of her favourite men for company — husband Nikitin and father-in-law, Pankaj Dheer.
Shivshakti Sachdev
Giving her company was the rest of the starcast and friends from the TV fraternity. Actor Abhishek Rawat's wife, Anjali, made a rare public appearance.
Kratika Sengar and Nikitin Dheer
Kinshuk Mahajan and Divya Gupta
Amrapali Gupta, Yash Sinha, Mitali Nag, Aman Sohi and Akshara Singh were also spotted.
Abhishek Rawat with his wife, Anjali Menon