Actor-filmmaker Dhanush on Tuesday said he has resumed the shoot of National Award winning filmmaker Vetrimaaran's upcoming Tamil gangster drama 'Vada Chennai'
Chennai: Actor-filmmaker Dhanush on Tuesday said he has resumed the shoot of National Award winning filmmaker Vetrimaaran's upcoming Tamil gangster drama "Vada Chennai".
"With two days to go for 'Power Paandi' release, resuming 'Vada Chennai' shoot from today. Blazing sun, sea, great people and typical Vetrimaaran locations," Dhanush tweeted.
The first schedule of "Vada Chennai" was wrapped up in November last year. It was predominantly shot in a prison set here.
"Vada Chennai", which will be made as a trilogy, will track 30 years in the life of a gangster from north Chennai.
The film also stars Amala Paul, apart from a host of supporting cast.
Meanwhile, Dhanush's directorial debut "Power Paandi" will release on Friday.
Dhanush is said to have set aside 200 days to shoot this project, which marks his third time collaboration with Vetrimaaran.