There will be a third season of Priyanka Chopra's TV show, Quantico, sources close to the actress have confirmed. PeeCee has given her nod, and will resume shooting by July-end, a source says, adding, "The final announcement will come in mid-May."
Priyanka Chopra
There will be a third season of Priyanka Chopra's TV show, Quantico, sources close to the actress have confirmed. PeeCee has given her nod, and will resume shooting by July-end, a source says, adding, "The final announcement will come in mid-May."
Asked about rumours of her slashing fee for the third instalment, the source says, "Discussion on remuneration will take place when she signs on the dotted line." Priyanka has already wrapped up season 2 of the drama.
A change in prime time telecast slot (Sunday 10 pm) coupled with poor ratings had earlier led to buzz that part 3 would be scrapped.