Actress Priyanka Chopra had a blast with designer Michael Kors, singer John Legend and his model-wife Chrissy Teigen at the 2016 Golden Heart Awards
Priyanka Chopra
Los Angeles: Actress Priyanka Chopra had a blast with designer Michael Kors, singer John Legend and his model-wife Chrissy Teigen at the 2016 Golden Heart Awards held here.
The 34-year-old actress shared few pictures on social media from the event and also thanked Kors for gifting her a beautiful dress.
"The designer and the muse... Thank you @michaelkors for the lovely evening and the beautiful dress. #Godslovewedeliver is an incredible initiative and thank you for making me a part of it...," she tweeted.
In another post she wrote, "Delightful evening with delightful people @michaelkors @chrissyteigen @johnlegend #godslovewedeliver." Priyanka wore a dark blue dress, while Legend and Kors opted for a black suit.