Cartoon Network Thursday announced it has started production on the first Asia Pacific-made series developed for global distribution. The series, titled "Exchange Student Zero", will be ready to air in 2015.
So far, while Cartoon Network's movies, made in Asia Pacific, have been showcased internationally, "Exchange Student Zero" will mark the first time that a TV series made in the region is for global distribution.
Another such new project in the pipeline for the leading kids’ network is "Monster Beach".
"Since the very early days at Cartoon Network in Asia Pacific we have produced local content. 'Exchange Student Zero' confirms our continued commitment to producing exclusive and compelling creator-driven local content with export potential," Mark Eyers, chief content officer, said in a statement.
"Exchange Student Zero" tells the story of two boys who bring an animated character from a fantasy card game to life and pass him off as an exchange student.
The show's director, Patrick Crawley, from Bogan Entertainment Solutions (BES) in Australia, said: "Our Australian animation creative team is a formidable talent and we're thrilled to have the chance to work with an international broadcaster to bring 'Exchange Student Zero' to a global audience."
The other show, "Monster Beach" is also a BES production. It tells the story about surfing, scary locals and two kids battling to save their worst nightmare.u00a0