A day after tying the knot with actor Aditya Seal, Anushka Ranjan penned a heartfelt note for him. "Since the day I've known you I haven't had one dull moment.. we have lived a few lifetimes in these 4 years and I cannot believe we're headed towards forever together, Adi you're my smile and you make me so happy," she wrote on Instagram.
Thanking Aditya, she added, "thank you for choosing me everyday and making my fears vanish and making me feel like the luckiest person to walk the earth. Now let’s go live our happily ever after .. I guess I did finally get SEALed"
Aditya Seal too took to Instagram and expressed his love for Anushka. "To where we are," he wrote followed by an infinity symbol. "No one else would i have wanted to share my ‘happily ever after’ with," he added.
Anushka and Aditya were reportedly in a relationship for the last four years before the former proposed. The two have featured in many films. Anushka was a part of films like Wedding Pullav, and Batti Gul Meter Chalu. Aditya, on the other hand, has starred in Tum Bin 2, Student Of The Year 2, and Indoo Ki Jawaani. They both have also worked together on the web show Fittrat.