The makers of Chhapaak decided to promote their film on the sets of Bigg Boss 13, and Deepika Padukone appeared on the show along with the co-star Vikrant Massey on Saturday. The duo will be joining Salman Khan on Sunday's episode. All pictures/Yogen shah
Speaking about the movie, the Congress-ruled Rajasthan has declared Deepika Padukone-starrer Chhapaak tax-free in the state.
The decision to declare the Meghna Gulzaar directed film tax-free in Rajasthan was taken late on Friday night.
On Thursday, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, both ruled by the Congress, had declared Chhapaak tax-free even before its release on Friday.
"We are happy to declare 'Chhapaak' a tax-free film. People have welcomed the decision of exempting this film from the tax bracket. The film shall be an eye-opener," Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said on Saturday.