Bollywood's power-couple Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan graced the wedding reception of veteran lyricist Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey. While Jaya Bachchan opted for a pink silk saree, Big B was seen in a white kurta and pyjamas with a black bandhgala kurta. (All pictures/Yogen Shah)
Sameer Anjaan is known for his works such as Phir Dil Ne Pukara from the movie Ek Baar Chale Aao in 1983, Aaye Ho Meri Zindagi Mein Tum Bahar Banke, Pardesi Pardesi Jana Nahi from Aamir Khan and Karisma Kapoor's Raja Hindustani in 1996. He also penned the lyrics of Tu Kheech Meri Photo from Sanam Teri Kasam in 2016.
In picture: (R-L) Sameer Anjaan with wife Anita Pandey, daughter Suchita Pandey and her husband.
Himesh Reshammiya attended the wedding reception of Suchita Pandey along with his wife Sonia Kapur. The couple got married in 2018.
Veteran actor Jeetendra too graced the wedding reception of Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey. He looked dashing, as always, in a black and blue suit.
Music composer Wajid Khan also attended Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception, held in Juhu, Mumbai.
Alka Yagnik looked resplendent in a sequinned saree as she posed graciously for the shutterbugs at Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception.
Bappi Lahiri posed with his wife Chitrani at Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception, held in Juhu, Mumbai.
Anil Kapoor kept it simple but looked handsome as always as he posed on the red carpet for the shutterbugs at Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception.
Anu Malik and wife Anju also attended Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception. The couple graciously posed together on the red carpet for the paparazzi.
Kumar Sanu was dressed quite funkily at Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception, held in Juhu, Mumbai.
Udit Narayan came in with his wife Deepa colour co-ordinated in black and blue at Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception, held in Juhu, Mumbai.
Jatin Pandit attended Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception with his son. The father-son duo was twinning in a blue suit.
Lalit Pandit too attended Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception with his son. The duo posed for the shutterbugs while making their way to the event.
Javed Akhtar too graced Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception. The ace writer looked handsome in a pink kurta paired with a jacket.
Singer Sonu Nigam also attended Sameer Anjaan's daughter Suchita Pandey's wedding reception, which was held at a plush hotel in Juhu, Mumbai.