Rajkummar Rao may be receiving accolades for his recent release, Trapped, but he has moved on to another project. Over the weekend, he began shooting in Allahabad for Ratna Sinha's Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana, which has Kriti Kharbanda as his co-star
Rajkummar Rao may be receiving accolades for his recent release, Trapped, but he has moved on to another project. Over the weekend, he began shooting in Allahabad for Ratna Sinha's Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana, which has Kriti Kharbanda as his co-star. Produced by Vinod Bachchan and Kaleem Khan, it is written by Kamal Pande.
Kaleem is Sanjay Dutt's ex-manager. Gaurav Dwivedi, vice chairman, UP Film Development Council, says post election results, film shoots have resumed in diff-erent parts of the state. Farhan Akhtar is filming in Lucknow for Lucknow Central while Anurag Kashyap is in Bareilly for Mukkebaaz.