VJ and actor, Gaurav Kapoor tied the knot with Delhi based model-actress Kirat Bhattal in New Delhi over the weekend. Neha Dhupia, Mini Mathur, Maria Goretti, Sandhya Mridul and cricketer Yuvraj Singh were present
Kirat Bhattal and Gaurav Kapoor at their wedding ceremony in New Delhi
VJ and actor, Gaurav Kapoor tied the knot with Delhi based model-actress Kirat Bhattal in New Delhi over the weekend. Neha Dhupia, Mini Mathur, Maria Goretti, Sandhya Mridul and cricketer Yuvraj Singh were present.
Kirat Bhattal and Gaurav Kapoor at their wedding ceremony in New Delhi
Neha Dhupia tweeted "#gauravkapur ki toh ho Gayi .... No more #selfies with girls please..."
'Fukrey' actor Pulkit Samrat wed Shweta Rohira tied the knot in Goa on Monday. Salman Khan and Daisy Shah were among those who attended the ceremony.
Shweta Rohira and Pulkit Samrat at their wedding in Goa
Salman Khan at the wedding
Shweta Rohira with Daisy Shah