The story of a sleepy-eyed teenage girl Bella spoilt for choice with a six-pack werewolf Jacob and an all-too-pale glittering vampire Edward vying for her affection, is old hat
Twilight: Eclipse
A; Drama/Romance
Dir: David Sladeu00a0u00a0
Cast: Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart
Rating: **1/2
What's it about: The story of au00a0 sleepy-eyed teenage girl Bella spoilt for choice with a six-pack werewolf Jacob and an all-too-pale glittering vampire Edward vying for her affection, is old hat. Perenially in trouble, Bella this time finds herself on the run from Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard), an avenging bloodsucker who raises an army of newborn vampires to do her bidding.
What's hot: Quite possibly, the best installment in the series. Slade (30 Days Of Night) raises the bar for the franchise. I have had the misfortune of being dragged to both of the previous flicks in the franchise by a Twihard and this would be the first time that I felt the film wasn't half bad. Didn't have the patience to go through the "bestseller trilogy" that inspired the movies, so won't argue with Twihards who will go ga-ga over well-shot intimate scenes between a far less paler Edward and a Bella who doesn't look like the junkie she did in the first two films. In fact, the banter between Jacob and Edward in the tent during the storm is one of the few times the film actually demands your attention.
What's not: The story sucks (pun intended), the actors suck. It's an insult when the only thing you like in a film is the improvement in the quality and volume of special effects.u00a0
What to do: You're in for a treat if you love the series (it's the closest you come to the tone of the book, saysu00a0 the resident swooning Twihard). Too bad if you're someone who hates the series. At least, you won't need to suffer too much this time around.