Veteran actor-producer Anupam Kher, whose play "Kuch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai", is based upon the ups and downs in his life, says it will inspire people and change their viewpoint about failures in life
"I wanted to celebrate the failure and wanted to take this philosophy to the people that failure can also be celebrated," he said at the showcase of his play, in which he performed for the 300th time.
In this autobiographical play, Anupam tells the story of how a young ordinary boy of a Kashmiri Pandit family from the small city of Shimla, made it big in life.
"When I didn't have work here and was searching for work, I used to read autobiographies and used to get a lot of satisfaction and motivation. So, I feel that this play will inspire people that failure is also sometimes very attractive," said the actor who made it big in filmdom with "Saraansh".