Bollywood film director Madhur Bhandarkar and actress Kirti Kulhari will inaugurate a film festival which will showcase the winning titles of the 64th National Film Awards
Kirti Kulhari
Bollywood film director Madhur Bhandarkar and actress Kirti Kulhari will inaugurate a film festival which will showcase the winning titles of the 64th National Film Awards. The event is scheduled to begin in Panaji from May 18, organisers said on Wednesday.
The 14-day festival, which will screen films which have won National Awards across categories this year and will open with Marathi film "Kaasav" directed by Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukhtankar, said Rajendra Talak, vice chairperson of the Entertainment Society of Goa, a semi-government agency which is hosting the event.
"The ESG is organising the event in association with the Directorate of Film Festivals," Talak added.