Actor-producer Jimmy Sheirgill, who hails from Punjab and has a huge fan following in the state, has refrained from commenting on 'Udta Punjab' controversy. The actor says he will watch the film first before sharing any views on it
Jimmy Sheirgill
Actor-producer Jimmy Sheirgill, who hails from Punjab and has a huge fan following in the state, has refrained from commenting on 'Udta Punjab' controversy. The actor says he will watch the film first before sharing any views on it.
Jimmy Sheirgill
When asked for his view on the importance of 'Udta Punjab' for today's youth, he told IANS: "...I don't want to comment on something without watching it."
"I don't want to say something right now and after watching the film, I regret that I shouldn't have said something like that," he added.
The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) demanded 89 cuts, including references to Punjab and expletives used in "Udta Punjab". Later, the Revising Committee brought down the cuts to 13.
The film has now been granted an 'A' certificate with 13 cuts and censor board chief Pahlaj Nihalani has said that the film's makers were never asked to drop Punjab from the title.