Kunal Kemmu, who will play Ram Jethmalani on the big screen, says bringing alive the journey of the veteran lawyer-politician is a huge responsibility on the team
Kunal Kemmu, who will play Ram Jethmalani on the big screen, says bringing alive the journey of the veteran lawyer-politician is a huge responsibility on the team. The film will be produced by Kemmu, his wife Soha Ali Khan and Ronnie Screwvala. The actor admits they were initially unsure about bringing Jethmalani’s story to life, but they firmly believed that it deserved a cinematic adaptation.
Kunal Kemmu
"We felt his story needed to be told — whether as a series or a feature film. There is a lot of trustworthiness as it is not a work of fiction." Kemmu adds that getting Jethmalani’s official go-ahead was most important for the team. "We needed his life rights with us, and it all happened, now it is a huge responsibility on us."
Ram Jethmalani
He says, "The biopic has to be real. You get the rights as you want to say everything that is not in public domain. It will be all of it [positive and negative]." Kemmu informs the team is currently putting the script together and they will soon announce the name of the director. Jethmalani, 94, announced his retirement in September this year.