Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan from first wife Reena Dutta, has done his acting debut in Quasar Thakore Padamsee's upcoming play
Junaid Khan
Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan has followed his footsteps and has done his acting debut. According to a story in Mumbai Mirror about two months ago, theatre director Quasar Thakore Padamsee got a call from a teenager. He told Padamsee he was keen on auditioning for 'Mother Courage and Her Children', the latter's adaptation of Bertolt Brecht's biting satire on the absurdity of war. On August 19, Junaid Khan, Aamir Khan's son with his first wife Reena Dutta, will make his stage debut in Padamsee's adaptation.
"It was an open casting call and someone had given him my number. When he came, I thought he was just another kid from HR College. He said he had been to drama school and seemed to understand the play and had lovely ideas," says Padamsee.
Like his father is known to do, Junaid, too, plunges deep into a project, says Padamsee. "You want people to come in excited and rehearse for 8 to 10 hours. And Junaid was happy to come in early or stay late, even if it was not for his own part."
Following his graduation from HR College, Junaid moved to Los Angeles to pursue a course at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and on his return, assisted Rajkumar Hirani for PK which starred his father, Aamir Khan in the titular role. In the upcoming production, Khan plays various characters, most prominently, that of 'Mother Courage's son called 'Swameed', a man who has many virtues but is limited by his naivete. Padamsee is certain that Aamir's son has promise, and is, most impressively, 'an enterprising actor'. "He is a very giving actor, so his co-actors gain a lot from him. He cares a lot about the whole production and not just his own part, and is constantly contributing and working on all aspects."
The play will be staged at the NCPA on August 19 and 20, and at St. Andrews Auditorium on September 9 and 10. Aamir Khan had previously shared in an interview that if his children, Junaid and his sister Ira showed any interest in joining films, he would be happy to support them, provided they 'have talent and are deserving'.