VJ Madiha Imam has been cast in an upcoming Bollywood film 'Dear Maya', which will star Manisha Koirala. "My character Anna is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Shimla," said Madiha
Manisha Koirala
VJ Madiha Imam has been cast in an upcoming Bollywood film 'Dear Maya', which will star Manisha Koirala. "My character Anna is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Shimla," said Madiha, reports dawn.com.
"She's a sweet, innocent girl who has a best friend named Ira. Anna's story is about her curiosity about this woman who lives in her neighbourhood and hasn't left her house in 20 years."
She says she wouldn't call it a romance or comedy. "I guess you can call it a drama film, but it has a little bit of everything in it." The film is also Sunaina Bhatnagar's directorial debut and it is an interesting turn of events that led Madiha to team up with Bhatnagar for this film, reports dawn.com.
According to Madiha, "The director was looking for someone to do my part. She found me online hosting one of my music shows. After watching a few episodes she looked me up and found out I act as well and decided to approach me."
It was very sudden for the actor but she couldn't say no. "She (director) told me about the story, the plot, and asked me if I'm interested. I asked for a little time to think about it but I realised the story was really good and I wanted to be part of it."
"The experience of shooting the film has been incredible. It was a low budget film. I was working with Manisha Koirala and she is amazing at what she does. I had a lot of fun and it was overall amazing."
Right now the VJ is in Pakistan promoting the film. "They (producers) are promoting it over there (India). I will not be able to go, of course. I am really happy about having done this movie and excited for it to come out."